Geek Chic ♥

Since Fairy tale show's/ movies are trending these days, why not set up myself as a modern Fairy Tale character? well my idea of Fairy tale is different it consists the story of Middle Earth, The Lord of the Rings.

If I was a princess I'd rather be someone who can fight, rather than just waiting for my Prince to come and rescue me. So here is my version of what Arwen Undomiel or Arwen Evenstar would've looked like if she was in the real world :)

Top Thrifted, Shorts from Forever 21, Shoes by Desire   from people are people

when you have an embellished or designed top, its wise to skip the necklaces so not to make your look overbearing or too decorated. keep it simple, because as they say less is more. 

Armor ring from Gold Dot

Love, Aimee♥
